nyaya beku
(we want justice)

Nyaya Beku revolves around a farmer’s protest in the South Indian state of Karnataka. This protest organised by KRRS (Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha – Karnata State Faremer’s Organisation), considered to be the longest running Indian social movement organisations, asked the State to increase the Minimum Sale Price of Sugarcane in the Karnataka. The piece gravitates around two village major gatherings during the protest process as they were organizing themselves to arrive at a major protest outside the State’s Winter Legislative Assembly. Many of the farmers from the surroundings were arrested en route to the protest.

Those who could make were not allowed to march from the city center to the legislative assembly, instead they were herded onto police/state buses directly to the protest site. In the day long protest that was achieve despite the circumstances, the protest site is ridiculed by heavy police presence, with the protest ground almost entirely surrounded by them.

I will try to upload an eXcerpt, or the film in entirety here soon.